New Moon in Sagittarius

 Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Moon in Sagittarius
24º Sagittarius 40″
7:02 AM EST

 Seek so you will find! 

Every new moon offers us the opportunity to turn the page and open a new chapter in our lives. This New Moon in Sagittarius energizes our quest for knowledge and truth. The archetypal essence of Sagittarius is the spiritual seeker, seeking life’s truths through experience.

 Use this time to reconsider how to be generous with your time and love, while figuring out a way to fill your life with work and activities that feed your spirit. Be open.

 The quickest, most radical and truly life changing action we can now take is to treat ourselves and others with kindness. Kindness is the healing elixir.

 The key phrases for Sagittarius are “I SEE” or “I PERCEIVE.”

  • Sagittarius when positive represents idealism, faith, enthusiasm, the quest for meaning and a generosity of spirit.
  • When negative it represents blind optimism, carelessness, irresponsibility and superficiality. 

Questions to focus on:

  • Take a long look at yourself; go all the way inside your skin, inside your mind, inside your heart and ask yourself.
  • Is your spiritual path ready for an overhaul?
  • How do I nurture and develop my creative talents?
  • How am I honored by those close to me?
  • What new gifts am I ready to express in this world?
  •  Can I go with the flow?
  • Do I look outside of myself if I feel restricted?
  • Who am I inviting into my life? Why?
  • Am I looking at life from Eagle’s point of view (from the broader perspective)?

 What to do on this New Moon:

  • Time to meditate, be open, listen – Great insights can be gained tonight through contact with spirit guides: be they animal, mineral, angelic, or ancestral.
  • Make up a ritual by following your inner guidance,
  • Listen to the Earth. Listen to the Wind. Listen to the Wildlife.
  • Initiate a new quest for spiritual knowledge.
  • Read a mind expanding book

 Affirmations for Sagittarius: I enjoy all my life adventures.

 Ariel the Angel of December: Ariel helps with qualities of bravery, courage and helps you boost your self-coincidence. He helps bring about miracles of manifestation.

How to work with Ariel:

  • Call him when your write your abundance check
  • light a pink candle
  • Add a rose quartz crystal to your altar to help you manifest this month.

Write your 10 wishes:

 New Moon is a window of opportunity that we can use by writing down a wish list (ten wishes maximum each month) of whatever we want to have come true in our lives.  In her book, “New Moons Astrology”, Jan Spiller advises us to make wishes on the New Moon related to: vacations, dreams, faith, religion, beliefs, in-laws, and ceremonies, institution of higher education or large pets. 

Sample wishes: 

  • I choose to have all the mental chatter dissipating from me”
  • “I choose to release the habit of second guessing myself.”
  • “I choose to release self defeating patterns.”
  • “I choose to embrace adventure.”
  • “I choose to listen and trust my inner voice.”

24 Hours before the New Moon is the time to go within and connect to what the need is for that area of your life.
24 Hours after the New Moon, write down your intentions. Verbalize them. Visualize them. Send them out. It is done!

 The strongest times for wishing
(PST: add 3 hours to these times)
Wednesday, December 16: 5:32 pm – 12 midnight,
Thursday, December 17: clear all day and all night for wishing,
Friday, December 18: 12:00 am – 3:06 pm.

Remember to write an Abundance check:

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

 How to write an Abundance check:

  1.  Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
  2. In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”
  3. On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.”
  4. Sign the check: “The Law of Abundance.”
  5. Do not put a date on the check. Do not write a specific dollar amount in the check. Put in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there. Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it. After the first time, they realize the power of these checks and do them routinely every month! Try it yourself and see!

 Feng Shui Tip of the month:  

  • As we honor cycles and watch as Mother Earth cleans house we should also begin to clear and cleanse and purify ourselves and our personal spaces from the inside out or the outside in.
  • This is one of those times when you should fake it till you make it. Spend some $$$$ on yourself this holiday season.
  • Donate your time to a charity of your choice.
  • Use Crystals to enhance any area of the Bagua.  A few examples are:
    • Ruby (Family gua): Known as a stone of nobility, it can assist in maintaining stability in business situations. Enhances the loving emotions toward nurturing, and brings spiritual wisdom, wealth, good health and knowledge. During controversies or disputes it encourages gentleness and discourages violent tendencies. Teaches that you do not need to suffer or become a martyr to experience spiritual growth on your path, and like the fire within, sparks a light which can dispel darkness on all levels.
    • Rose Quartz (Relationship gua): Teaches that patience and gentle, unconditional love can overcome any obstacle. Promotes and allows you to see the beauty of art, music and the Helps to calm and clarify the emotions, bringing harmony and peace.
    • Obsidian (Career/Life Journey & Family gua): Helps you to clearly see flaws within and make the changes necessary to eliminate them. Provides a shield against negativity.
    • Manganese (Children/Creativity & Family gua): Can be used to enhance cooperation within groups. Can encourage positive action and inspire creativity. Helps to ground and balance the emotional and physical body.
    • Malachite (Family & Health gua): A stone of transformation. Helps to create a path free from obstacles as you reach for your goals. Teaches you to accept responsibilities for your thoughts, words and actions. It is considered a stone of transformation and balance, assisting in ones spiritual journey.
    • Lapis Lazuli (Skills & Knowledge gua): A stone of total awareness, allows you to access ancient knowledge and psychic abilities. Helps you to remain objective, clear-minded and enduring while releasing old, emotional baggage. Teaches you to be more organizational in daily routines and activities.

 Remember:that life is the ultimate adventure and a continual blessing. It’s time for you to explore, discover, walk your truth and live your gratitude in each present moment.

 If you what to make an appointment with me please Email me at



1 Comment

  1. Renee said,

    February 21, 2010 at 1:12 am

    Love your blog. I’m a Sag and I am married to a Pisces. Although he is a very kind and loving person, I sometimes feel like he has sucked the sagittarian life out of me….or rather, I have allowed him to do that. I have all the material things I need, but spiritually I am lost. I believe there is a Higher Spirit, but I just can’t wrap my brain or soul around christianity. I’ve thought about Buddhism. I am lost. My health is mediocre. I just want to reach a plane of peace, contentment, even with my health and a plane of tolerance for myself. Any ideas you can give me, I’d greatly appreciate. 🙂

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